
Masterclass microbiology

Masterclass in microbiology in the AGF chain and food industry

As a quality manager, you play an important role in the quality and food safety of products and processes. Microbiology plays an important role in this, from purchased raw materials to the final product. Are you a quality manager and would you like to learn more about microbiology? With this master class you will learn how to deal with microbiology in practice. The masterclass is split into two parts and we organize it together with Normec Foodcare and Hogeschool Inholland.

Master class Microbiology in brief
  • You learn to deal with microbiology in practice
  • Organization of the Masterclass by Normec Foodcare and Hogeschool Inholland

As a quality manager you are expected to be able to provide correct information in the field of microbiology of both raw materials, semi-finished and finished products. Is there an incident? Then as a quality manager you are the spider in the web. You must ensure that the correct and unambiguous internal information reaches all external stakeholders: grower/supplier, laboratory, government agencies and sometimes the press. Think about the interpretation of analysis results, information about legal standards, (supra-statutory) customer requirements, risk assessment and possible follow-up actions. For this, you need background knowledge about the growing conditions and disease-causing capacity of microorganisms.

Microorganisms play a role in quality and food safety from raw materials to the final product. As part of quality or food safety systems, quality managers must include (pathogenic) microorganisms in the hazard inventory and risk analysis, draw up control measures and an analysis plan, and regulate and monitor (or have monitored) the implementation of those measures. This includes taking and having samples examined. As quality manager you receive the analysis results, evaluate them, must be able to take appropriate action (or have it taken) and verify the actions taken.

What topics are covered during the master class?

Master class part A

  • Brushing up on basic knowledge of microbiology
  • Occurrence of microorganisms in product / raw material / process water
  • Legislation + legal requirements
  • Hazard inventory (raw materials + processes + environmental factors + chain-related factors)
  • Sampling
  • Analysis

Masterclass part B

  • Prevention
  • Interpretation analysis results
  • Much attention is paid to the link between theory and practice.

For whom?

The Masterclass Microbiology is intended for the group of quality managers in branches with perishable products, both from the trade and the processing industry, and for quality managers of retailers.