


Alkaloids occur naturally in a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits and other edible products. Here are some examples of alkaloids in AGF (Potatoes, Vegetables, Fruit) and foods:

  1. Potatoes contain alkaloids, mainly solanine and chaconine.
  2. Tomatoes contain alkaloids, including tomatine.
  3. Eggplants contain alkaloids, such as solasmin and solamargine.
  4. Several legumes contain alkaloids, such as viciaine in broad beans.
  5. Peppers may contain alkaloids, including solanine and capsaicin.
  6. Bananas contain a small amount of the alkaloid harmane.
  7. Citrus fruits may contain traces of alkaloids, but concentrations are generally low.
  8. Tea contains alkaloids, such as caffeine. Caffeine belongs to the xanthine alkaloids.
Alkaloids in brief
  • Safe consumption through testing for alkaloids
  • Identification of harmful concentrations
  • Understanding variety and toxicity

Testing for alkaloids in AGF (Potatoes, Vegetables, Fruit) is an important aspect of quality control, especially since some alkaloids can be toxic at high concentrations.

When testing for alkaloids, it is important to emphasize that the presence of these compounds is not always harmful. Toxicity depends on the concentration and type of alkaloid. It is also important to use the right methods and equipment to obtain accurate measurements.

Would you like to have your products analyzed for alkaloids? We can measure the following alkaloids:

  • Nicotine
  • Atropine
  • Scopolamine
  • Sum of Atropine / Scopolamine
  • Matrine
  • Histamine

Would you like more information about our alkaloid services? Or do you have a question? Then please contact us.

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